Your Teacher
Michelle LaBrosse, CCPM, PMP, RYT
Michelle LaBrosse - is the founder and Chief Cheetah of Cheetah Learning. She started Cheetah Learning in 2000 with the vision that people could achieve their dreams and goals, cheetah fast, when they leveraged their unique genius to learn, do projects, and negotiate in the ways that worked best for them. Since 2000, 100,000 people have become Cheetah's (that is they have learned how to learn and do their projects at least 5x faster). They have had their careers and live's transform in some pretty spectacular ways. Michelle has a BS in Aerospace Engineering, an MS in Mechanical Engineering, and graduated from Harvard Business School's Owner President Managed program for successful entrepreneurs. Michelle was named one of the top 25 most influential women in project management worldwide by the Project Management Institute. And is the author of Cheetah Project Management, Cheetah Negotiations, Cheetah Know How and Accelerated Exam Prep. Michelle is a Project Management Professional (PMP) a Registered Yoga Teacher and a "Cheetah."
Improving ROI as a Project Manager - From Talk to Action
This hour-long Master Class Webinar is going to help you:
1. See the areas where you can create the largest ROI's as a PM.
2. Develop strategies to increase your ROI as a PM.
3. Understand the five dimensions of ROI.
4. Learn how to balance a portfolio of projects based on overall ROI potential.
5. Help your project team members develop better ROI for working on your projects.
From Recent Participants of Cheetah Master Class Webinars
"Loved the activity book - easy to follow along and I felt like it forced me to pay attention. I had never thought about how personality plays a role in project success and speed. Great class!"
What was the most valuable part of the course?: "Alot of valuable information in a short period of time.''
Other Comments?: 'Michelle provides a fun atmosphere to learn. Will take another class for sure!'